Hussam Mahmoud

Dr. Hussam Mahmoud the George T. Abell Professor in Infrastructure in the Department of Civil Engineering at Colorado State University (CSU). He is also the Director of the Structural Laboratory at CSU and the Academic Advisor for the ASCE Student Chapter. Dr. Mahmoud’s research program has two major thrusts with focus on developing both resilient and sustainable structural systems. The first thrust includes assessing structures under natural and man-made hazards including single, multi-, and cascading hazards. This is realized through the development of engineering performance-based systems under fire, tsunamis, earthquakes, and hurricanes or the combination of such. The second major thrust is merging his expertise in the field of fatigue and fracture and his recent work on extreme loads for the development of new low and ultra-low cycle fatigue models to evaluate structural components and systems subjected to high strain cycles. Various tools are utilized in Dr. Mahmoud’s research including small and large-scale testing as well as advanced numerical and analytical simulations. Testing includes cyclic, pseudo-dynamic, hybrid simulations, shake table, and testing under elevated temperatures.

Dr. Mahmoud is an expert on fatigue and fracture and has conducted various studies on fatigue and fracture assessment of steel structures including monitoring of major bridges across the United States. He has proposed proto-type retrofits that have successfully been implemented on major bridges in the US and have been adopted by the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Dr. Mahmoud has held various workshops on fatigue and fracture assessment of structures and has given various short courses and presentations on fatigue and fracture for the US Army Corps of Engineers, the American Iron and Steel Institute, and the Egyptian Roads and Tunnel Authority.